Thursday, July 3, 2008

Evaluating Delayed and Missed Diagnosis of Cancer Claims

What are good cases and which ones do lawyers reject in missed diagnosis claims. Let me provide an overview.

1. Is the cancer curable with timely diagnosis. Prognosis varies by type and location. Initially, the plaintiff must show curability through established, conventional medicine, not clinical trials.

2. Delay How long was the tumor untreated. The most direct scenario is shwoing that the tumor was stage 1 at the time it should have been diagnosed, but stage 4 later, leading to a reduced life expectancy, and opportunities for surgical intervention lost.

3. Damages While every life is irreplaceable, lawyers will consider damages. What type of lost wages can be shown. Are there other damages.

4. Negligence Was the deviation clear.

Howard Gutman
230 Route 206, Suite 307
Flanders, NJ 07836 (973)598-1980,

Sunday, June 8, 2008


This blog will review cases, research, and other materials about diagnosis of cancer and claims.


The American Society of Clinical Oncology is taking place now. New research and treatments are featured on the website. The site allows patients and family members to review video-taped presentations by some of the leading cancer researchers in the world.